Business Process

not getting leads

Marketing and still not getting leads?

Are you turning away potential customers or not getting leads because your marketing does not support the impression that you want to give about your business? I have encountered instances where a company spent good money bringing in qualified potential leads, only to realise later that their marketing material did not necessarily reflect the impression they wanted …

Marketing and still not getting leads? Read More »

business systemisation

Systemisation – How and when to get the maximum benefit

Michael Gerber, the famous author of the E-Myth books, talks about identifying what needs to be done, testing it to determine the results, and then breaking it down into tasks so simple, that almost anyone can do it. You then systemise and document it so that the business can be effectively operated by anyone on …

Systemisation – How and when to get the maximum benefit Read More »

business lesson

Business Lesson: Its not what you know. It’s the Application of it that counts.

Cultures around the world generally respect their elders, as they have a wealth of wisdom acquired through their life experiences which can serve as a great business lesson. There are many things that we can learn from them, especially the lessons that they have already gone through, in the hope that we don’t make the same …

Business Lesson: Its not what you know. It’s the Application of it that counts. Read More »

Losing a potential customer

Ignore an individual’s preferences = Losing a potential customer

We all receive unsolicited emails from companies wanting to advertise their services to our business. How many actually listen to what we want from them? I recently received one such email from a company touting their wares in corporate gifts; it was a standard format with examples of how you can put your company logo …

Ignore an individual’s preferences = Losing a potential customer Read More »

growing existing business

The secret of growing your existing business – look for ways to do things better

I have had the privilege of working with many businesses across a range of industries, all with growth in mind. From time to time I get asked to summarise my observations on what would make a business successful and what can help with growing existing business. After the umpteenth time of being asked, I decided …

The secret of growing your existing business – look for ways to do things better Read More »

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