Sales & Marketing

How to penetrate new markets by developing products and services PART 2

Many small businesses risk closures because of their dependence on a handful of clients. The goal, then, is to widen your customer base. Marketing experts believe that introducing new products and services helps brands and companies penetrate new markets. In this two-part series, I will discuss several ways of doing this on how you …

How to penetrate new markets by developing products and services PART 2 Read More »

How to penetrate new markets by developing products and services PART 1

Many small businesses risk closures because of their dependence on a handful of clients. The goal, then, is to widen your customer base. Marketing experts believe that introducing new products and services helps brands and companies penetrate new markets. In this two-part series, I will discuss several ways of doing this on how you can …

How to penetrate new markets by developing products and services PART 1 Read More »

Millennials, Generation Z, and Covid-19: How changing consumer behaviour may impact your business

Millennials, Generation Z, and Covid-19: How changing consumer behaviour may impact your business

Experts are saying that the new normal will change consumption behaviour in the long term. As business owners, these changes can affect us. In this video, I explore how covid-19 has changed the consumption behaviour of Millennials and Generation Z.  Consumption patterns differ from one generation to another. What one generation finds valuable might not necessarily be seen as valuable by the another. That’s …

Millennials, Generation Z, and Covid-19: How changing consumer behaviour may impact your business Read More »

Tackling tasks that are difficult vs. easy: what is better for productivity?

Tackling tasks that are difficult vs. easy: what is better for productivity?

The most common productivity advice is to begin with the easiest tasks first and then move to the more difficult ones. This is to help create momentum to push us to become more productive. But is it really the most productive way of tackling our to-do list? In this video, I explore what productivity experts …

Tackling tasks that are difficult vs. easy: what is better for productivity? Read More »

Small business success stories: Whole Kids Australia

Small business success stories: Whole Kids Australia

Small businesses can do big things. In this new series of videos, we will look into small businesses in Australia—their humble beginnings, their growth story, and the lessons that we can learn from them. Today, we will look into the story of Whole Kids, a family-owned organic snack small business based in Melbourne. Their story …

Small business success stories: Whole Kids Australia Read More »

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