Business Coaching

Managing stress and anxiety as a small business owner or entrepreneur

How would you rate your ability to manage your stress and anxiety? If you feel that you can improve this ability, this video is for you. In this video, I share three practical steps that you can start doing today to help you manage your stress and anxiety. In 2021, the Australian Bureau of Statistics …

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How to stay focused and build business stamina

Living in a world where markets and lifestyles continually change places many demands on a business leader. Building stamina and keeping focused becomes essential in staying in the game. In this video, I discuss how small business leaders can build stamina and resilience for your business to keep you going even when the going …

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How culture improves working environments and helps manage workplace stress

How culture improves working environments and helps manage workplace stress

This video explores what human resource professionals say contribute to workplace stress and how culture can improve working conditions. I also explore how one multinational company lean into their culture to provide their employees with a great place to work in., I provide tips on how small businesses can nurture a caring culture where …

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Finding balance at work: what to stop doing, keep doing, and start doing at work

Finding balance at work: what to stop doing, keep doing, and start doing at work

The global pandemic has ushered in a new normal at work. A new work setup comes with new work rules because some of the old rules no longer work. This video discusses the new rules to help you and your team find balance in the new normal: what to stop doing, what to keep …

Finding balance at work: what to stop doing, keep doing, and start doing at work Read More »

Challenges Small Businesses

Challenges Small Businesses Face Pt. 2

Part 2 of 3  What are the challenges that small businesses face today? And what prevents businesses from overcoming these challenges?    Most experts agree that most businesses face the following challenges: client dependency, founder dependency, fatigue and demotivation, staying relevant and updated with trends, money management issues, finding the balance between quality and growth. On the surface, …

Challenges Small Businesses Face Pt. 2 Read More »

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