Decision making

The Power of Reading and Its Benefits for Business Owners

Do you read? Experts have long been promoting the power of reading and its direct benefits for individual business owners. Many of us may have had a similar experience, where we didn’t initially have an interest in reading but found ourselves drawn to other forms of storytelling, such as videos and comics. In this video, we’ll explore why, as busy business owners, finding time to read is valuable and essential for personal and professional growth.

Unlocking Efficiency: Overcoming the Hesitation to Systemise Business Processes

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly putting out fires in your business? Do you find yourself answering the same questions from your team members over and over again? If so, it might be time to consider systemising your business processes. In this video, I share actionable steps that you and your team can start doing today to help you manage and improve your businesses processes

The Growth Mindset: Unlocking Your Business Potential

Are you find it hard to stay productive despite putting in your best effort? Do you feel that something is off some days leaving you less productive than you want to be? If you can relate to that, then this video is for you. In this video, I explore how our emotions can affect our productivity and discuss what we can do so that we can maintain a high level of productivity.

From Small to Big: How to Unlock Business Growth

Many small business owners dream of growing their businesses into larger, more successful enterprises. However, this process can be challenging and requires careful planning, hard work, and perseverance. So, let’s dive into the key strategies you can use to unlock business growth.

Why employees leave: The importance of job-fit

Do you know why your employees leave? Is it the workplace culture? Is it the lack of career progression? Is it the pay? In this video, I discuss the importance of job-fit, why it impacts your employee turnover rates, and what you can do to make sure that you hire the right talent for your roles.

How to become a better leader

One study shows that counterproductive work behaviour is one of the most significant effects of bad leadership. In another study, researchers found that the negative effects of a toxic boss can last up to 10 years. Compare that to how a good leader can benefit your organisation: high morale, good employee retention, and sustainable long-term success. The choice seems simple: work to become a better leader.

Beyond the Books: The Power of Applying Knowledge in Real Life

In today’s fast-paced world, we often focus on acquiring knowledge and getting degrees without giving thought to how we can apply that knowledge in real-life situations. However, it is the application of the knowledge that we acquire that truly counts. In this video, we will explore the benefits of applying knowledge, the challenges we face in doing so, and some solutions to help us apply such knowledge effectively.

Strategies That Will Turn Your Employees Into Leaders Part 2 of 2

 Strategies That Will Turn Your Employees Into Leaders Leaders inspire people to succeed. They lead teams through crises and through growth. The best kind of leaders encourage people to become the best they can be. Imagine leading an organisation full of people who have leadership potential. Imagine what you can accomplish. In this second video …

Strategies That Will Turn Your Employees Into Leaders Part 2 of 2 Read More »

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