Unlocking Efficiency: Overcoming the Hesitation to Systemise Business Processes

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly putting out fires in your business? Do you find yourself answering the same questions from your team members over and over again? If so, it might be time to consider systemising your business processes. In this video, I share actionable steps that you and your team can start doing today to help you manage and improve your businesses processes. 

Many business owners recognise the benefits of systemising their processes but are hesitant to take the plunge. After all, identifying processes and documenting your business processes can take up valuable time and energy. Additionally, processes are constantly evolving, making it challenging to keep documentation up-to-date and useful. 

However, systemising your processes can be a game-changer for your business, if done correctly. It frees up your time and energy to focus on more strategic initiatives, improve the consistency and quality of your products or services. 

Here are some tips to help you systemise your business processes effectively: 

  • Identify your core processes. Identify the key processes that are critical to your business’s success. This could include things like sales, marketing, customer service, and product development. Once you’ve identified these processes, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. 

Let’s use client servicing as an example. While your customer relationship management tool will help you streamline and systemise some of these processes, there are still steps that require human intervention.  

When you think about processes, you think about it from beginning to end. From a client servicing standpoint, it would be best to think about it from the beginning: when a lead is converted into a client. Some questions you may want to ask would be: 

  1. How would you get your client onboard?  
  2. What kind of information do you ask for and retain? 
  3. What is your after sales service going to be like? 
  4. When and how often do you communicate with your client?  
  5. How do you communicate with clients? 
  6. When and how do you upsell to them?
  7. What are the typical after sales issues you encounter and how would you them? 
  • Document your processes: Create a detailed document for each process that outlines each step, who is responsible for it, and what tools or resources are needed. Consider using visuals like flowcharts or diagrams to make the process easier to understand. 
  • Communicate with your team: Once you’ve documented your processes, make sure your team is aware of them. Consider holding training sessions or creating an internal wiki or knowledge base where team members can easily access the information they need. 
  •  Continuously review and update: Your processes will inevitably evolve over time, so it’s crucial to regularly review and update your documentation. This will ensure that your processes remain relevant and effective. 

Once you’ve figured out your process, it is best to put that in writing so that it’s easy to disseminate. This document may be used as your training material. 

Alternatively, you can do things the other way around. This means involving your team members from the very first step of identifying processes. This is more suitable and more efficient especially if you now work with a bigger team, manage a lot more processes, and that these processes have evolved since you started your business.  

In both cases, this can serve as a training session to educate your team on how you do business. This session may even serve as an opportunity to improve current processes, raise issues and concerns, and even possibly resolve them as you improve your processes. 

The upside of doing this is that it opens the initiative for collaboration. Your team members will feel empowered because they have a say on how to do their tasks and responsibilities. As a business owner, you receive relevant information and an accurate picture of how things are going in areas of your business that you may not have the time or energy to think about or look into. 

You can create a more streamlined and efficient operation by systemising your business processes. Identifying and documenting your processes may take some upfront effort to, but the benefits are well worth it. Not only will it free up your time and energy, but it can also improve the consistency and quality of your products or services. So, why not take the first step towards systemising your business today?  

Beyond the Books: The Power of Applying Knowledge in Real Life 

Today, we’re going to talk about something that’s often overlooked in our pursuit of knowledge: the application of that knowledge. So often, we focus on accumulating knowledge and degrees, without truly understanding how to apply it in our lives or in our work. But the truth is, the application of knowledge is more important than the knowledge itself. In this video, we’ll discuss why that is, the challenges we face, and some solutions to help us apply knowledge more effectively. 

The Benefits of Applying Knowledge 

Let’s start with the benefits of applying knowledge. First and foremost, it allows us to make a real impact. The knowledge we have is only valuable if we can use it to solve problems, make informed decisions, and create positive change. When we apply our knowledge effectively, we can achieve these outcomes and make a real difference in our lives and in the world around us. 

The Challenges of Applying Knowledge 

But applying knowledge is easier said than done. There are a number of challenges we face in doing so. One of the biggest challenges is overcoming the fear of failure. We may hesitate to apply our knowledge because we’re afraid of making mistakes or not getting the desired outcome. But the truth is, failure is often a necessary part of the learning process. We need to be willing to take risks and make mistakes in order to truly apply our knowledge and see what works and what doesn’t.” 

Solutions for Applying Knowledge 

So, how can we overcome these challenges and apply our knowledge more effectively? Here are a few solutions to consider: 

  • Start with small, manageable steps. Applying knowledge can be overwhelming if we try to take on too much at once. Instead, start with small steps that allow you to build momentum and confidence. 
  • Get feedback from others. Feedback is essential for learning and improvement. Seek out constructive feedback from colleagues, mentors, or others in your field to help you identify areas for improvement and build on your strengths. 
  • Reflect on your experiences. Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and how you can apply it moving forward. This can help you solidify your understanding and make connections between different pieces of knowledge. 
  • Practice, practice, practice. Like any skill, applying knowledge takes practice. Look for opportunities to apply your knowledge in real-life situations, whether it’s at work, in your personal life, or in a volunteer role.” 

In summary, the application of knowledge is more important than the knowledge itself. When we apply our knowledge effectively, we can make a real impact and create positive change. But it’s not always easy. We face challenges such as fear of failure, and we need to be willing to take small steps, seek feedback, reflect on our experiences, and practice consistently to overcome those challenges. So, let’s focus not just on acquiring knowledge, but on applying it in meaningful ways that make a difference. Thank you for watching. 




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