General News

Navigating Change: Adaptation Strategies for Businesses

The economic and business environment has been volatile in the last decade.  It has become increasingly challenging for companies to thrive during this period of volatility.  How are businesses, large and small, responding to thrive in times of change?  In this video, I share three cases of businesses that have adapted and pivoted during crucial …

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Does your team feel disengaged? Part 3

Why do employees feel disengaged? Experts will list many factors: poor management and direction, the lack of challenging work, poor job fit, or even poor internal communication. These reasons may be caused by different parties: the manager, co-workers, the working environment, or perhaps even the employees themselves. What do these reasons have in common?

The Power of Reading and Its Benefits for Business Owners

Do you read? Experts have long been promoting the power of reading and its direct benefits for individual business owners. Many of us may have had a similar experience, where we didn’t initially have an interest in reading but found ourselves drawn to other forms of storytelling, such as videos and comics. In this video, we’ll explore why, as busy business owners, finding time to read is valuable and essential for personal and professional growth.

Leadership skills you need to thrive in a VUCA environment

If you’ve picked up a news article in the last few weeks—maybe even the last few years, you might have a sense of how rapidly things have been changing in the global economy. Some might say, “It’s crazy out there!” Perhaps that’s true to some extent. In the business world, a crazy world is …

Leadership skills you need to thrive in a VUCA environment Read More »

How small businesses can survive rising inflation

Inflation impacts all businesses because it impacts the bottom line. From a mathematical perspective, managing inflation entails managing the two variables that affect your profit: your costs and your prices. In this video, I offer tips to help your small business survive inflation by focusing on these two variables.  The inflation rate is the …

How small businesses can survive rising inflation Read More »

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