Raymond Huan

Innovation for Growth: Unlocking the Secrets to Business Success Part 2

Here’s what I’ve learned working with small businesses for the last 14 years: Successful businesses tend to nurture a growth mindset and an innovation-oriented or learning culture. That’s because they are solutions-orientated. They work towards finding better solutions to address problems and offer better products and services to their customers.

In two-part video, I discuss six steps you can do today to help you innovate for growth and unlock this secret to business success. I also provide examples of successful companies’ actions to ensure that they innovate for success.

In the second part of this series, I discuss the last three steps: collaborating for innovation, embracing technology for innovation, and continuous learning and adaptability.

Innovation for Growth: Unlocking the Secrets to Business Success Part 1

Here’s what I’ve learned working with small businesses over the last 14 years: Successful businesses tend to nurture a growth mindset and an innovation-oriented or learning culture. That’s because they are solutions-orientated. They work towards finding better solutions to address problems and offer better products and services to their customers.

In two-part video, I discuss six steps you can do today to help you innovate for growth and unlock this secret to business success. I also provide examples of what successful companies are doing to ensure that you can innovate your way towards success.

The Power of Reading and Its Benefits for Business Owners

Do you read? Experts have long been promoting the power of reading and its direct benefits for individual business owners. Many of us may have had a similar experience, where we didn’t initially have an interest in reading but found ourselves drawn to other forms of storytelling, such as videos and comics. In this video, we’ll explore why, as busy business owners, finding time to read is valuable and essential for personal and professional growth.

Unlocking Efficiency: Overcoming the Hesitation to Systemise Business Processes

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly putting out fires in your business? Do you find yourself answering the same questions from your team members over and over again? If so, it might be time to consider systemising your business processes. In this video, I share actionable steps that you and your team can start doing today to help you manage and improve your businesses processes

The Growth Mindset: Unlocking Your Business Potential

Are you find it hard to stay productive despite putting in your best effort? Do you feel that something is off some days leaving you less productive than you want to be? If you can relate to that, then this video is for you. In this video, I explore how our emotions can affect our productivity and discuss what we can do so that we can maintain a high level of productivity.

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