Decision making

What makes small businesses survive and thrive during disruptions

What makes small businesses survive and thrive during disruptions?

The pandemic has taught painful lessons in the past year. While restrictions are easing, experts believe that things can still change and that we should be ready to respond to these changes. But what makes small businesses ready to respond to these disruptions? What do these covid-pivot success stories have in common—and what can …

What makes small businesses survive and thrive during disruptions? Read More »

How Does Culture Influence Innovation

How Does Culture Influence Innovation? Pt. 3

While academic studies have focused on establishing the positive relationship between culture and innovation, they don’t always show how that may look like. Culture is like the fingerprint of an organisation, and how your company operates and why it operates the way it does is unique. It is what identifies you and the company.   In this video, the …

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How Does Culture Influence Innovation?

How Does Culture Influence Innovation? Pt. 2

While academic studies have focused on establishing the positive relationship between culture and innovation, they don’t always show how that may look like. Culture is like the fingerprint of an organisation, and how your company operates and why it operates the way it does is unique. It is what identifies you and the company.  In the …

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While academic studies have focused on establishing the positive relationship between culture and innovation, they don’t always show how that may look like. Culture is like the fingerprint of an organisation, and how your company operates and why it operates the way it does is unique. It is what identifies you and the company.   Over the next few weeks, …


How to stay productive while working from home

How to stay productive while working from home

As authorities continue to grapple with the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have opted to keep most of their employees working from home. While most workers were optimistic about the new work-from-home setup, and initial trends show that remote work improved productivity, many workers are now slowly realising that working from home presents a different set …

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How to build resilience during times of crisis: a five-step model

How to build resilience during times of crisis: a five-step model

The pandemic has tested the strength of all businesses and has exposed everyone’s weakness. It’s time to learn the lessons and build resilient organisations. In this video, I explore a 5-step model to help build a resilient business that may withstand almost any crisis.  Business owners face different challenges at any given point in time. Some businesses …

How to build resilience during times of crisis: a five-step model Read More »

Focusing too intently on one thing can make you blind to other important details

Focusing too intently on one thing can make you blind to other important details

Focus is a good thing. In fact, success requires focus and consistency. But when is focus a bad thing? In this video, I explore why focus may be preventing you from seeing the broader picture and limiting your potential to succeed.  One of the best traits in leadership is the ability to focus on the most …

Focusing too intently on one thing can make you blind to other important details Read More »

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