Human Resources

How Your Values Can Potentially Impact Your Business

How Your Values Can Potentially Impact Your Business.

As you can imagine, your values influence many of your decisions in life. This is especially true when running a business. In some cases, being driven by your values is a positive thing. However, what many business owners don’t appreciate is the financial implications involved when a value is taken from your personal world and …

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education for business

Education for business owners – how to get it

It is a widely held view that getting an education for business will improve your chance of success in life. In the business world, as the market demand has shifted from manufacturing workers to technology-savvy ones, governments worldwide have been encouraging their workforces to retrain, so that they can remain productive throughout their career. While …

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empowered team

Creating An Empowered Team

Are you a team player? That is a question you often hear corporate business managers asking their staff or team leaders. But the question should be directed at the entrepreneur and small business owner also. In fact, it may be the first question a business coach will ask when working with a small business owner.

Empowering Your Team

Empowering Your Team

It is important to understand that a well chosen team of employees forms an important nucleus for the organisation. A business that is earning a profit without empowering team members has untapped powerhouse potential. Get the right people on the team, give them the tools they need to succeed and the right to use those tools including decision-making authority, and the results can be simply astonishing. Unfortunately many small business owners don’t understand how to go about creating this ideal team and that is where business coaching can be so important.

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