Why do Ideas Fail? When They’re Not Geared Towards Action!

Few feelings are more enjoyable than the sensation of having a great idea. However, all too often, our most innovative thoughts are lost forever – simply because we allow distraction to get in the way. Everyday life takes our mind elsewhere, and before we know it, the great idea is lost forever.

This is especially true in business. Often, ideas won’t materialise into anything concrete – simply because the hectic process of running a business stops you from effectively exploring and implementing them.

Why Do Ideas Fail?

In his book, “Making Ideas Happen,” Scott Belsky details how ideas fail, because they’re not inherently geared towards discernible action. Much of the work we do consists of habitual tasks – like admin, meetings and brainstorming sessions. These activities are performed out of habit, and might not actually lead to improved results. Regrettably, these activities are also highly effective at drowning out the sound of a great, innovative idea.

Too Busy to Process Ideas?

We live in a busy world. Before the emails were even invented, businesses sent correspondence through letters and faxes. The preparation and delivery of a letter took considerable time. A response was expected, and the fact that this might take a few days was considered perfectly normal.

These days, communication comes in the form of frequent, instantaneous emails and social media streams. The market expects a response in a matter of minutes – not days! Unsurprisingly, many business owners have become reactive, not proactive. They’re so immersed in keeping pace with the hectic business environment and  reacting to customer comments. They have little to no time to focus on gearing ideas towards action.

“Ideas fail because the project they represent is not geared towards action.” 

Scott Belsky

Bringing an Idea to Fruition

It’s time to stop letting those great ideas escape you. Rather than representing your idea as an abstract concept, showcase it as a series of ‘action steps.’ By creating these steps, you’re establishing momentum – which makes progress much easier to identify and achieve. You’ll also avoid situations where you don’t know what to do next!

It’s a little like swimming in the ocean. If you’re simply focused on trying not to drown, then your main priority will be keeping your head above water, rather than choosing where to swim to in order to survive in the long-term. An idea should be seen as the identification of a goal and the process of working towards it.

Make Everything Actionable

Success isn’t always about having the most brilliant ideas. It’s often about having the best execution. Identify your goals and treat every idea as its own project – and organise your timetable around action and implementation.

In my book From $20K to $2 million in 2 years, I focus on the common traits I’ve observed in the successful businesses I’ve worked with over the years. I’ve also looked at what makes them successful – and how you can learn from them. You can get a free preview of the book here. Or, if you’d like a copy for yourself, you can purchase it here.



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