How to Tell if Your Business Really Needs Help

Ask any business owner whether they need help with their company, and it’s likely you’ll get an answer in the affirmative. In all honesty, there are very few businesses that wouldn’t welcome additional help at some stage – whether it’s extra finances, an extra pair of hands or some much-needed professional advice.

In most instances, help is only a welcome bonus, not a necessity. However, there are certain situations where assistance is not only advisable but imperative, if you want to succeed. Here’s an outline of when you absolutely do need help with your company.

The Times When You Really Do Need Help

  1. When you’re struggling to stay in business. If your company is finding it difficult to stay financially viable, then it’s most certainly time to assess the situation. At this point, it’s tempting to quit and close the company for good – but doing so many be an unwise decision, especially if your business has enjoyed success in the past. A business mentor will be able to cast an appraising eye over your current situation and offer advice on how to turn things around.
  2. When you’re moving to the next level. If you’re a start-up that’s ready to become a fully-fledged SME, or a local business that’s ready to start supplying nationwide, it’s useful to have help getting started. A professional business adviser is likely to have worked with companies at all stages of growth, and will offer advice and tips on how to move seamlessly to the next stage.
  3. When you’re in a period of growth. When you’re growing your company, things can, and will go wrong. After all, you’re facing challenges that are unfamiliar to you, and you may not be equipped to address them. This is where professional assistance can be invaluable. The experienced business adviser has guided companies through growth before- and not only knows what obstacles you’ll come up against, but will also know how to make the growth process far more productive and successful.


The Advantages of a Fresh Business Viewpoint

Working with a professional mentor or adviser offers an invaluable new viewpoint on your business. A fresh pair of eyes and an unbiased appraisal can produce excellent results. Here’s just a few ways in which it’s advantageous for your company.

  • Tried-and-tested techniques. If you work with an experienced business adviser, it’s likely they’ll have worked with companies like yours in the past. They’ll have a good idea about what works and what doesn’t – and they’ll impart that wisdom on to you.
  • Alternative ideas. Working with a business mentor provides the perfect opportunity to talk through your existing strategy, then listen to alternative approaches. You may not agree with everything your adviser suggests – but it’s likely that you’ll discover some fresh new ideas to take your company forward.
  • Profit Enhancing initiatives. A business adviser will always have an eye fixed firmly on profit margins and returns. They’ll assess your current systems and processes, and suggest ways in which you can improve them to boost productivity and profit.
  • When it comes to succeeding in business, the old saying is often true – two heads are better than one. Seek out the assistance of a professional mentor and you’re likely to enjoy growth and better returns.



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