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encourage your team

Supportive management: Why it’s a great idea to encourage your team

Whether you like it or not, as a business owner with a number of employees, your team will look to you for direction and guidance ...
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Not achieving what you want? Try being consistent.

Not achieving what you want? Try being consistent.

Businesses are very much like people: they have a life of their own, they need food (cash flow) to survive, and interaction with other people ...
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Be good at something, delegate the rest.

Most businesses start off with the entrepreneur assuming multiple positions within the company and wearing many hats and is not able to delegate. Sometimes it ...
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not getting leads

Marketing and still not getting leads?

Are you turning away potential customers or not getting leads because your marketing does not support the impression that you want to give about your business? I ...
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education for business

Education for business owners – how to get it

It is a widely held view that getting an education for business will improve your chance of success in life. In the business world, as ...
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The Benefits of Building a Team

The benefits of building a team around you

I have read many articles about the importance of having a team of people with whom you can consult regarding your business. Despite the wealth ...
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Sometimes our fears can lead to inaction.

I have encountered people who have shared with me logical and well thought out reasons as to why their business should not embark on a ...
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We all have a kid in us

We all have a kid in us

I went to a tree top obstacle course with my niece once. The course was very much like a standard obstacle course, except that you ...
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The best trait in leadership

Whether you like it or not, when you create a business and employ people, you become the leader of your team. Some of you may ...
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