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Power of Social Proof - Excelbizsolutions

The power of social proof and its effect on your business

In his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, Dale Carnegie talks about people who subconsciously seek the opinions and thoughts of other people ...
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Manage a Team Effectively - Excelbizsolutions

How to manage your team effectively: A fresh perspective

Has this title been done to death? Look it up online and you will find endless resources on how to get the best from your ...
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Focusing too intently on one thing can make you blind to other important details

I wrote recently about one of the best traits in leadership and the need to focus on consistency (You can read more about it here). ...
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Doing the Right Things at the Wrong Times: The Impact On Your Business

Doing the Right Things at the Wrong Times: The Impact On Your Business

You may have heard people claim in the past that there’s ‘never a wrong time to do the right thing’. Whilst this may be the ...
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bottleneck in your business

Are you a bottleneck in your business?

Every business faces challenges as they grow. One challenge that all businesses will face in their growth cycle is in their ability to develop beyond ...
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competitive advantage

Is your competitive advantage your weakness? Find out here

Your competitive advantage is important. It is what makes your company unique, and what sets it apart from similar enterprises. It acts as an obstacle ...
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The Power of Focus

The Power of Focus

There are many reasons why people start businesses. However, from whichever angle you look at it you will find that most businesses are started to ...
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what are you really selling

What are you really selling?

Have you ever wondered what you actually do in your business and what are you really selling? Do you offer a service, or are you ...
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lack time and focus

Lack of Time? Or Lack of Focus?

Business owners are continually faced with a barrage of things to do which causes them to lack time and focus. From daily operational requirements which ...
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