Whether you like it or not, when you create a business and employ people, you become the leader of your team. Some of you may not like the idea that others will actually look to you for guidance in a myriad of business issues – but did you know that if you improve your leadership skills, you can actually improve your team as well?
There are many sites that expound the various traits which are most valued in leadership. When we think of a good leader in any business, we think about charisma, the ability to speak well or having expertise in an area of an industry.
But Google, a company known to make decisions based on extensive data collection, has decided to choose its leaders based on one simple characteristic trait: Predictability.
Tweet: “The best trait in leadership – predictability.” http://ctt.ec/CIl5U+ @BizCoachRay
The management found that the more predictable the leader, the easier it is for the team to get on with the job. A person who is predictable and consistent in the work that they set and their expectations, gives the team the confidence to be able to get on with their job, without worrying about getting it wrong. The ability to know that you can work without the boss hovering nearby, micro-managing and watching every step, empowers employees to work on what they need to do within clear boundaries and set expectations.
”If a leader is consistent, people on their teams experience tremendous freedom.”
Laszlo Bock, senior vice president of people operations at Google
What can you do to improve on that one trait?
Having predictability is often much easier than you might think. Do not be distracted by all the other thoughts that might be running around your head. To be predictable, you need to focus on consistency. If you are able to set realistic and pragmatic expectations for your team members, and if you are willing to have regular review sessions to hold them accountable through measured milestones, then you are well on the way to having a more predictable leadership style. And in turn, to have an improved team.